Robert M. Wald, Jr., MD - The Aesthetic Institute
Contact Us : (714) 312-3549

Orange County | Fullerton, CA

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Tummy Tuck Recovery Guide

3 Minute Read

After childbirth or significant weight loss, tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, can reduce the remaining excess loose skin and fat around the abdominal region.

By tightening the abdominal muscles and eliminating extra skin and fat, you can achieve your ideal slim contour and a more defined midsection.

Woman sleeping upright with an eye mask on and a book in her hand

Resting upright in a comfortable atmosphere can help you recover quicker from tummy tuck surgery.

What to Expect After Surgery

Before you have your tummy tuck surgery, most patients wonder what to expect.

We have created a comprehensive list of what most patients experience and provided tips below for recovering more comfortably.

The First Week

Most patients are sent home a few hours after their surgery, while some stay overnight for observations.

The degree of correction being made will determine what your surgeon recommends, which is discussed during your consultation with Dr. Wald.

Sometimes, a small, thin drainage tube is applied under the skin to collect any accumulations of bodily fluids. These drains are usually removed within the first week.

Your abdominal region may be wrapped in a compression garment or surgical gauze to aid in healing. These dressings can help reduce swelling and bruising and support your new contour.

Bruising, redness, and swelling are all common side effects. If you notice any discomfort, prescription pain medication can help alleviate your symptoms.

Exercising or strenuous activities are forbidden for the first week of your recuperation, including bending over or lifting anything heavy.

You may be cleared to stand up and carefully walk around the home during this time after the first day.

Post-operative care instructions are provided to each patient with guidelines on what to do during recovery.

The Second Week

By the second week of recovery, you will likely feel back to normal.

You can start resuming some of your regular routines as they are cleared by your doctor.

At this point, some patients feel up to returning to work, while others can take up to four weeks to get back to their normal routines.

One Month After Surgery

Around this time is when the incisions begin to scar. Most scarring fades over time and can be covered by undergarments and swimsuits.

You should be feeling much better by the one-month mark and should be able to resume work and other activities.

Tips for Your Recovery

To help you heal quicker and avoid some of the potential risks involved with recovery, here are some tips to follow during your recuperation.

  • Prepare a comfortable area in your home that will be quiet and relaxing, including entertainment sources such as television, electronic devices, books, magazines, and other forms of light entertainment. Remember to include any power cords or batteries within reach, just in case!
  • Fill all prescriptions before you go in for surgery so you have it all ready when you return home.
  • Schedule a loved one to drive you to and from your surgery and help take care of you for the first few days while you recuperate.
  • You will need someone to watch your children, if you have any, and complete daily tasks for you.
  • Carefully follow all instructions and post-operative care directions from your surgeon. These guidelines will ensure the best recovery possible.
  • Rest and get plenty of sleep the first week after your procedure. Take it easy and listen to your body; if you feel that something is unusual, communicate with your surgeon.
  • Eat healthy, light meals, and remain hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Do not push your body during your recovery. Overexerting yourself can result in a longer, more painful recovery process.

Before and after results of a tummy tuck

Need More Information?

Are you ready to make the next move toward addressing your abdominal appearance? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Wald today by calling (714) 312-3549 or reaching out online.

Our team is happy to work with you, and Dr. Wald can discuss all of your concerns about tummy tuck surgery!

Dr. Wald Looks forward to
helping you reach your
cosmetic goals.
Schedule a consultation

Robert Wald, MD
100 E. Valencia Mesa Drive, Suite 300
Fullerton, CA 92835

Phone: 714-312-3549
Fax: 714-738-1862

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