Breast Lift Scarring
How much scarring will I have with my breast lift?
Women who have had children commonly develop some sagginess to their breasts. This can also occur genetically and with age. The most common concern in these women is to reestablish upper breast fullness by performing the breast lift procedure.
To uplift and give fullness to a woman’s breast, an implant is required as well as repositioning her breast tissue. The skin is then tightened around her new breast shape. There are 3 types of incisions to uplift (mastopexy) a woman’s breast. These include the periareolar, vertical or horizontal T (at inframammary crease) incisions. Depending on the patients desires, her anatomy, and the amount of lift and shaping that is necessary, one or 2 types of incisions will be made.
It is important to realize that these breast lift scars fade well over a years time. I have found women to be extremely pleased with their elevated breasts and reconstructed upper breast fullness. These women believe minimal scarring involved to achieve their goals is quite acceptable.
Please contact our office with any questions or concerns, or to schedule a complimentary consultation, 714-738-4282.