Robert M. Wald, Jr., MD - The Aesthetic Institute
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Best Exercises After Breast Augmentation

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BEST EXERCISES AFTER BREAST AUGMENTATIONUndergoing surgical body modification like breast augmentation is a significant step in improving your looks and building up body confidence. Still, no matter how ready you think you are for the procedure, embracing the changes might take a while. Even though we are talking about positive body upgrades, our minds and bodies need rest and time to recover before going back to their full potential. Luckily, the recovery period after this procedure is relatively short, but during the first couple of weeks, resting as much as you can is crucial. To help you get back to your old but improved self, we made a workout list of the best exercises after breast augmentation.

The First Week

Any surgical intervention requires 24h – 48h of rest after the procedure. Breast augmentation is no different. Your body is adjusting to changes, and this initial rest does the most of the job. Most likely, you will feel exhausted, but that is normal. For the first few days, try avoiding any upper body part activity. Focus only on non-demanding exercises, like taking slow walks. Under no circumstances should you run, jog or do intensive workouts. This also refers to heavy lifting and arm stretching.

For those who got used to being physically active every day, this might be quite the challenge. But it’s crucial not to overdo your chest muscles that are already under tension. After the first three days, you can slowly increase the level of the activities. When doing so, listen to your body. You might be more tired than usual, so take it slow. Still, if you feel any unusual discomfort, make sure to call your doctor.

A woman holding a photo after breast augmentation

Adapting to your “new” body might take some time

The Second Week

The feeling of tiredness in your muscles should be gone a week after the breast augmentation procedure. That means it’s time to work on your posture and learn how to handle your newly-improved body! Working on your posture is essential since it helps to strengthen the muscles and prevents becoming round-shouldered. You need to keep your posture straight, with shoulders going slightly back. Raise your chin, lift your chests and hold in that position for a couple of minutes. It might cause mild discomfort in your back, but that is perfectly normal. Think of it not as an exercise but as the best way to present your body. Do it as much as you can until it becomes your natural posture.

Working on the posture will help your body adjust to its new addition. However, adding some arms and shoulders exercise will prevent stiffness and increase muscle mobility. Many decide to have professional guidelines during this period. So, to find a personal trainer who will suit you best, you can browse the database or a similar portal. But even with expert assistance, most of the job is up to you. You should perform all of the following exercise examples every 1 – 3 hours during the first three weeks of recovery. Start with a set of 5 series, gradually increasing to 10 after a couple of days:

  • Arm swings – Put your arms next to your body slightly in front of you. Start with circling motions that will activate the muscles in the armpit area. The circle radius will depend on your current possibilities.
  • Shoulder rolls – Relax your shoulders. Then slowly roll them forward and backward as much as you can while taking deep breaths.
  • Shoulder shrugs – Lift the shoulders gently. Keep them frozen in that position for a couple of seconds while taking a deep breath, then slowly get them back, exhaling.
  • Shoulder raise – Put your hands on your shoulders and raise your elbows on the same level. Start circling the arms first on one side, then another. This position might be unpleasant initially, and most likely, you won’t be able to raise your elbow that high. Still, be patient and persistent and work on your mobility. You will get there in no time.
  • Body rotations – Sit on a chair and lightly cross your hands on your shoulders. Slowly turn your head and entire upper body to the left and the right. Repeat the motion.
 Woman doing yoga

Going back to your demanding workout routines in the first weeks of recovery would be a disaster

The Third and Forth Week

Even the best exercises after breast augmentation won’t have any effect if there is no continuity. The third and fourth weeks bring you slightly more demanding activities, adding to the routines you’ve been executing in the first two weeks.

  • Chest stretch – Stand up with your arms beside you. Then pull your arms and shoulders behind you slowly as far as possible before relaxing and going back to the beginning position.
  • The wall exercise – To perform this activity, stand straight facing a wall with your palms touching the surface. Gently walk them up the wall until you feel the tension is rising. This might be challenging in the beginning, but soon you’ll stretch and strengthen the necessary muscles. The same routine of walking the fingers up the walls, only facing the wall sideways, is the next on the workout list.
  • Resting pose – Lay on your back. Put the palms behind the neck, and move the elbows inward and outward.
  • Arms above the head – While in laying position, lift your hands above the head as far as you can. If this motion doesn’t cause you discomfort, you can probably do it from a sitting position as well.

The Fifth and Sixth Week

By this stage, your body should have recovered a great deal. Thus, resuming the physical activities before the surgery can start. However, you have to realize that your body is not at its full capacity, so increase the activities slowly and gradually. It’s essential to point out that you still need to avoid any heavy lifting and hard labor.

Two women holding each other

Best exercises after breast augmentation should be combined with proper chest support

When Is It Safe to Resume Your Physical Activities and Routines?

Even though every surgery will dictate its own pace when it comes to recovery, the breast augmentation procedure usually takes at least two months. Only after that can you have a more demanding workout. Overworking the chest muscles right after the surgery can have serious consequences. Therefore, it’s crucial to start with gentle exercise and body stretches and build up the movements in the upcoming months. Needless to say, resting after the procedure is necessary, but so is resuming your everyday activities in the mildest form. Your body needs to get used to “extra weight“, so starting with tender movements the day after the surgery will prevent your scar from getting too tight.

Sometimes it can be hard to follow even the best exercises after breast augmentation on your own. Therefore, staying motivated and persistent is vital, but so is knowing that you’re doing the routine the right way. With such simple workouts, you don’t need to attend special exercise classes. Virtual personal trainers have become very popular nowadays, especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. And since great trainers are now available online as well, you can exercise correctly from the commodity of your own home.


Every body reacts differently to changes. Therefore, even when doing the best exercises after breast augmentation, you have to be patient. Follow your own pace and listen to your body’s reactions before increasing any activity. You must contact your surgeon in cases of any pain, swelling, redness, or any severe discomfort.

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Robert Wald, MD
100 E. Valencia Mesa Drive, Suite 300
Fullerton, CA 92835

Phone: 714-312-3549
Fax: 714-738-1862

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