Robert M. Wald, Jr., MD - The Aesthetic Institute
Contact Us : (714) 312-3549

Orange County | Fullerton, CA

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Category: Liposuction

Tips to Speed Up Your Liposuction Recovery

5 Minute Read: 

A red apple and a meter.

Men and women who wish to shape and trim their bodies choose liposuction to eliminate undesirable fatty deposits. After a liposuction procedure, you will be eager to flaunt your trim shape straight away. Unfortunately, your freedom and safety to do so are limited due to the necessary recuperation time. The body will need time to rest and recover, much like after any other procedure. While there is no way to avoid downtime following this cosmetic surgery, there are strategies to manage it carefully. We have gathered the best tips to speed up your liposuction recovery.

Liposuction Recovery – The Key to Excellent Results

There are various methods to approach the removal of excess adipose tissue. Modern liposuction provides minimal tissue destruction, but we cannot avoid it altogether. As you pump the fat out, the surrounding tissue suffers damage, which triggers the body’s reaction. Swelling and bruising during the recovery period are expected. However, since liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, recovery will be quick, but it mainly depends on you.

A surgeon in a scrub doing liposuction on a woman.

Liposuction is a standard procedure now, but it demands a bit of recovery time afterward.

Recovery after liposuction is the time it takes for the body to get rid of swelling, bruises, and other consequences of the procedure, as well as for your body to get into its final shape. The correction results appear in their true form in three to six months at the earliest, and the exact time will depend on several factors.

How Does Recovery After Liposuction Go?

The First 1-7 Days – When Swelling and Bruising Occur 

Swelling occurs a few hours after the intervention but reaches its peak in a few days. In some cases, discomfort and pain at the site of the intervention are possible. The swelling on the abdomen, thighs, and back is especially pronounced due to removing a large number of fat cells.

About 8 to 14 Days After Liposuction  

Postoperative discomfort begins to disappear gradually. 

It is difficult to determine when exactly this period will occur since the regeneration rate is very individual and determined by several body characteristics. In addition, how quickly the swelling will go down depends on the region where the liposuction was performed. For example, swelling on the legs lasts the longest, so it is imperative to respect prescriptions and recommendations in this case.

Over the Next 15 to 20 Days 

The body structure can change in the area of intervention 

The skin becomes uneven, but don’t worry – this is a normal occurrence and passes quickly. The bumps smooth out over time, and everything falls into place.

How to Speed Up Recovery After Liposuction?

We’ve already discussed how crucial the postoperative time is for every treatment, including liposuction. As a result, it is essential to familiarize yourself with what awaits you following this intervention and advice that will make your healing quicker and easier.

Plan Your Rest Time

Even if you leave the clinic the next day, you should set aside at least a few days for rest and recovery. Specialists recommend returning to work a few days after the procedure, at the earliest. Also, here are some things to consider related to the case:

  • Ask your surgeon how much time you need to rest. 
  • The recovery period depends on the size of the region operated on. So, if you have done liposuction on a more substantial part of your body, you will need more time to rest.
  • Prepare the house and bedroom before the procedure. A pleasant atmosphere together with a comfortable mattress will make your recovery easier. 
A woman in bed, representing ways to speed up your liposuction recovery.

Lying in bed and resting is the best thing to speed up your recovery.

Don’t Forget to Wear Compression Underwear

After liposuction, the patient must wear special compression clothing. The even pressure of this special garment will prevent fluid retention in the subcutaneous area, stimulate the disappearance of swelling and promote fast healing.

You should usually wear bandages for two weeks, while compression underwear takes a little longer. In addition, we recommend you wear light and cotton clothes.

Start Moving as Soon as Possible

Try to get on your feet as soon as possible and start walking. It is important to begin moving slowly because walking will promote healing. However, despite the need to move, you can return to exercise and more demanding physical activity only after 6-8 weeks.

A woman in a yoga pose with her arms raised

Ease into being active again.

If you have a demanding task coming up, such as moving, it’s essential to your recovery to avoid lifting any heavy items. Experts from JB Movers recommend that heavy-lifting should always be left to professionals.

Avoid Salty and Spicy Foods to Speed Up Your Liposuction Recovery

Salt and spices are known to cause fluid retention in the body, which slows recovery. That’s why you stay away from salty and spicy foods for at least two weeks. Patients are usually given a liquid diet for a day or two after liposuction. Following that, eating cleaner and healthier by adding vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients can assist the body in recovering swiftly and without complications. The best thing to do is continue on a clean, healthy diet until you feel well recovered. 

A vegetable salad on a plate.

A lot of your recovery relies on your diet. So, eat healthily to speed up your liposuction recovery.

What Should We Not Do When It Comes to Recovery After Liposuction?

In addition to recommendations on what to do, recovery after liposuction includes specific prohibitions, but they are only temporary.

We have already mentioned avoiding starting with more intense physical efforts too soon after the intervention. In addition, you will have to postpone going to the sauna and the pool for a while.

It is also advisable to give up bad habits such as alcohol and cigarettes. It is necessary to get rid of them at least temporarily, and ideally – forever.

Since the skin in the operated areas should be carefully protected, it is not allowed to go to the tanning beds or the beach. Ultraviolet rays negatively affect the formation of scar tissue and lead to hyperpigmentation.

Final Thoughts

Opting for plastic surgery means having to go through all the stages before you reach a final, desired result. And liposuction is no exception. You should always make sure you are ready for a procedure before you make the final call. And, once you do, our tips to speed up your liposuction recovery will hopefully help you along. Good luck!

Why Is Exercise Crucial After Liposuction

6 Minute Read: 

Exercising equipment, including small weights and yoga mat and blocks.

Long gone are the days of stigma and shame around subjects such as plastic surgery and liposuction. We’ve grown and have come to accept that everyone has the right to treat their own body however they like. As long as you’re healthy, happy, and content, nothing else matters. That being said, there are inevitable repercussions that you need to expect before, during, and post-procedure. Being ready and prepared for everything that you could experience is essential for your overall well-being. One of the most crucial and often neglected parts of getting lipo is realizing why exercise is crucial after liposuction and applying the data you’ve learned to your case.

Rest Is Just as Important as Exercise

First of all, you mustn’t get any wrong ideas. Of course, you should learn why exercise is crucial after a tummy tuck and take the benefits seriously. However, it would be best if you also learned about the importance of rest. During liposuction, your body will go through a stressful and tiring process. Even though you’ll recover and the procedure you’re going through is safe, your body isn’t really aware of this. Like in any other stressful situation, your body will need some time to readjust and get used to this new form. It’s imperative to take the recommended two-week bedrest seriously. 

A girl resting on her bed, lying face-down.

As much as exercise is crucial after liposuction, you should also rest. 

How Soon Will You Be Able to Go to the Gym?

Whether you’ve regularly exercised your whole life or wish to get into a fitness routine to maintain the results of your liposuction, there are specific rules that you need to be wary about. As we’ve previously stated, you’ll be advised (hopefully very strongly) to have a resting period that lasts about two to three weeks. After that, your body will start to heal and recover at a faster pace. We’ve created a sort of timeframe which you can take as advice that you can then modify accordingly. It’s of utmost importance to listen to your body and adjust anything that you find too challenging or even too easy.

Post-lipo schedule

  • Rest
  • As we’ve stated, you should rest for at least two weeks and let your body recover.
  • Light walks
  • Once the two-week time frame has passed, make sure to consider how you’re feeling. If you’re regularly active, you’ll probably recover a bit faster. This is the point where you should start implementing light exercise. Once you start walking and a couple of days have gone by, you’ll realize why exercise is crucial after liposuction. You will notice the difference in how your body feels. The stronger your muscles are, the easier everyday activities will become.
  • Start implementing strength exercises
  • Once four to five weeks have gone by, it’s time to get a bit more serious. Start doing light strength exercises if you feel stronger and more confident in how much your body can handle. Your muscles will need some time to readjust, so go easy on yourself. 
  • As you were
  • Coming up to the seventh and eighth week, you’ll feel much stronger if you’ve followed the time frame we’ve suggested. Typically, this is the time when you should begin to behave as if you’ve never had any surgery. Of course, this is all very dependent on your particular situation, and you should take every bit of advice with a grain of salt.
A girl exercising by doing crunches.

Make sure to listen to your body and do the exercise after liposuction correctly.

The Compression Garment Is Your Best Friend

You’ve probably come to terms with the fact that you’ll feel uncomfortable during the first few weeks. However, there’s a way to make this period a bit easier. Wearing a compression garment will tighten everything up, and you’ll be able to relax a bit more. Simply put, it’s there to offer support to your body and mind. Nevertheless, depending on the type of liposuction you’ve had as well as the time it’ll take you to recover, you should consult with your doctor on how often and how soon you can use this helpful tool.

Best Types of Exercises to Do After Liposuction

  • Walking or hiking
  • Light walks prove to be a lot more beneficial to our bodies than we think. You’ll come to appreciate a good long walk once your strength comes back.
  • Yoga 
  • After a while, you’ll be ready to stretch and bring some muscles into your routine. Yoga is perfect for this. Make sure to choose beginner’s classes at the start.
  • Zumba
  • Once the six weeks have passed, many people tend to shut down and stop exercising or continue to do only very moderate workouts. Especially if you didn’t exercise pre-lipo, this is very understandable. Exercising can be overwhelming and tedious. That’s why Zumba is a perfect choice since you’ll be able to sweat out everything that you want to while still keeping the fun alive.

You Need to Pay Attention to What You Eat as Well

You’ve learned why exercise is crucial after liposuction. However, you should also consider the importance of your post-op diet. Aside from talking to your doctor about it, it would be best to do some research before your procedure. Try to keep your diet as light as possible. However, it should also be nutritious and healing. Lean meats, lots of veggies, beans, and nuts are your best friends. Try to avoid any food that’ll prevent you from letting go of the water and swelling, especially salt and other ingredients rich in sodium.

 A plate of veggies and healthy food.

Make sure to eat balanced and nutritious meals after liposuction.

Hire a Professional

If you feel overwhelmed and cannot get yourself to exercise after lipo, that’s normal. Hiring a professional trainer is a great way to overcome this fear. Pros at Dubai Personal Trainers say that professional fitness trainers are great at recognizing your limits and listening to what you have to say before they develop an appropriate routine. 

Don’t Overdo It

If you start exercising too soon, your body will rebel. It’s only natural. If you’re an overachiever and tend to bite off more than you can chew, make sure to take a step back and realign. Some signs you’ve exercised too much are feeling burnout, tired, weak, overwhelmed, and emotional.

Maintenance Is Key

The question of why exercise is crucial after liposuction has been answered. However, what about what comes after that? Once everything settles down, you need to be persistent and continue working out. The best way to achieve this is to come up with a routine that’s sustainable to you. Additionally, beating yourself up about falling into past habits won’t do anybody any good. Be kind and forgiving to yourself.

Interested in Learning More?

If you are curious about how liposuction can help you, reach out to Dr. Wald today.

Top Reasons Why Winter Is the Best Time for Body Contouring

5 Minute Read: 

Woman in underwear against a mirror


Body contouring combines several different plastic surgery procedures with the same aim – to remove excess skin and fat, tighten loose skin, and lift areas of the body that are drooping. It treats several different body parts and regions, including the neck, arms, thighs, hips, breasts, and buttocks. Combining different procedures into one surgery makes it possible for the patient to recover from only one surgery appointment, instead of having multiple procedures and extended recovery periods over the years. Body contouring can completely transform a person’s appearance and boost their confidence. 

And winter is the best time for body contouring, so schedule your liposuction for the summer, or book another procedure to get your desired body shape before the beach season.

It’s Easier to Take Time Off for Recovery

Many people have extra time off during the winter. That makes it easier to schedule a week or two of downtime without using up all the paid time off. It also allows people to take time off without anyone wondering why and without a necessity to explain their choices to colleagues.

If you have school-aged kids, book a mommy makeover procedure once the school is back in session. That will allow you to have more peace at home and rest after your surgery.

Winter Clothes Hide Fresh Scars

When the patient recovers from body contouring, they have signs of the surgical procedure all over their body, such as:

  • Scars
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Swelling

That’s all normal and unavoidable after such a surgery. However, fresh scars and other signs are much easier to hide beneath a chunky sweater and comfy pants than a summer dress. Full-coverage clothing is good for protecting healing incisions from sunlight. Bulky, loose, and baggy clothes are essential if you want healing incisions to fade optimally and to be more comfortable while you’re recovering. After plastic surgery, a patient is often advised to avoid direct sunlight. UV rays weaken the body’s ability to heal naturally. Post-op wounds are very sensitive, and scars exposed continuously to sunlight risk being burned. This can lead to post-operative scar tissues growing darker and thicker. The resulting discoloration may never fully go away, which is one of the main reasons why winter is the best time for body contouring.

Woman smiling in comfortable winter clothes

*Model – Fresh scars and other post-op signs are much easier to hide beneath cozy, bulky clothes.

Recovery Is More Comfortable

After the right abdominal procedure for each patient or any other body contouring procedure, a person must wear a compression garment for a few weeks. That supports the results and controls swelling. However, those garments get hot and sweaty, especially during the summer, because of high temperatures, sunshine, and humidity. During the winter, compression wear serves as a sort of cozy thermal underwear for the post-operational stage and allows the patient to stay nice and warm as the temperature outside gets colder. Furthermore, cool weather helps to keep post-op swelling under control. It’s because a patient’s body isn’t working as hard to dissipate heat.

Be Ready for Swimsuit Season

Many people find it hard to wait a couple of months before showing off their results after liposuction or a tummy tuck. However, if they decide to have a procedure done in winter that makes it easier to be patient and pay attention to the plastic surgeon’s recovery instructions. When the hot weather is finally there, a patient will get rid of their compression garment and be ready for the summer in the City of Angels. People from California know that winter is the best time for body contouring, so they wait patiently to show off their bikini bodies proudly on the beach in the summer. By that time, they don’t have any restrictions on activities or their clothes.

Fit blonde in bikini chilling in a pool

*Model – Women who decide on a body contouring during winter can proudly show off their bikini body in summer.

You Don’t Have to Admit That You’ve Had a Plastic Surgery

The most common New Year’s resolutions everybody makes are to eat healthier, get more sleep, stick to exercises, etc. These are great habits to adopt, but if you’ve already tried it and the results didn’t show, body contouring is the right choice. Everybody wants to look better and slimmer, and body contouring procedures can secure predictable and reliable results. Patients who jump-start their fat loss goals with liposuction or other procedures often find it easier to stick with a healthy routine of a balanced diet and regular exercise.

That’s because their results motivate them to stay on the right track. If the patent decides to book a fat reduction procedure in the first months of the year, the final results will be visible by spring. That’s the perfect timing if you want to go along with the story that you’ve just spent more time at the gym and decided to follow your New Year’s resolutions. Not everyone is comfortable sharing with the world they have had any cosmetic surgeries done. That should be a choice each individual has to make.

Woman pointing at the sky on a seashore

*Model – Patients often find it easier to stick with a healthy routine after liposuction or other body contouring procedures.

Ready to Get in Shape?

To be considered a good candidate for body contouring procedure, you should be in good overall health and understand what results you can realistically expect. The best time for plastic surgery is the time that works best for each patient. However, winter is the best time for body contouring because recovery is more comfortable. If you’ve decided to get that long-awaited tummy tuck now, schedule a consultation with your plastic surgeon and take advantage of the following winter weeks. A good plastic surgeon will explain the surgery procedure and recovery process from the beginning till the end, so you’ll know what to expect. Body contouring will address many imperfections and boost your confidence. It will give you a more youthful, attractive, and revitalized appearance that you dreamed of for so long.

What Plastic Surgery Options Are Available for Men?

2 Min Read

Although the plastic surgery arena mainly consists of women, there has been a growing number of male plastic surgeries being performed each year. 

While the most common procedure for women is breast augmentation, there are quite a few options for men to achieve their ideal body or facial structure.

Man before and after Gynecomastia surgery in Fullerton, CA.We have created a list below of some options for men seeking to enhance their facial features or body contours to align with their cosmetic goals.

What Are the Benefits of Male Plastic Surgery?

  • A heightened sense of male identity or masculinity
  • Balanced facial features
  • Improved figure and comfort with your body
  • Increased confidence
  • More clothing options

Calf Implants

When the legs appear small or weak, calf implants can create a fuller, more defined muscular leg appearance.

Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can address upper and lower eyelid sagging, loose skin, and fat deposits around the eyes. This procedure can relieve drooping eyelid skin and puffiness.


Facial hair plays an essential role in a man’s facial appearance. Dr. Wald considers your facial hair when discussing facelift surgery.

Only a skilled, experienced surgeon with knowledge of male facial anatomy should perform a facelift. 

When necessary, a neck lift is combined with facelift surgery to also address concerns in the neck (excess fat or loose neck bands).


Minimally-invasive treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic can temporarily relax facial muscles for smooth, youthful skin.


Addressing excess body fat can be a tricky issue; changing your diet and increasing your exercise may not abolish fat deposits.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to reduce fatty tissue from various targeted regions of the body. 

The most common areas selected by men include the arms back, chin, flanks, neck, and stomach.

In some instances of gynecomastia, enlarged male breasts, liposuction can be used to eliminate extra breast fat. 

The liposuction process allows for a more masculine, defined chest.

Abdominal Etching

Using a strategic liposuction technique, abdominal etching can create a robust and muscular appearance on the stomach.

Pectoral Implants

For men who feel that their chest is flat, pectoral implants can enhance the size and appearance of the pectoral muscles.


Nose surgery, or rhinoplasty, can reduce a large or long nose while maintaining a masculine, strong nasal shape. 

Tummy Tuck

Significant weight loss can leave loose, sagging skin on your abdominal region.

Tummy tuck surgery is designed to remove this excess residual skin, tighten the abdominal muscles, and pull the remaining skin taut for a chiseled stomach appearance.

Male before and after facelift, neck lift, and bilateral lower blepharoplasty in Fullerton, CA, at the Aesthetic Institute.

Which Procedure Is Right for Me?

All of the procedures listed above are excellent options for men to achieve their desired results. 

Schedule a consultation with your plastic surgeon today to discuss your concerns and medical history and decide which procedure is right for you.

Want More Information?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us today by calling (714) 312-3549 or filling out an online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

What Should I Expect During My Mommy Makeover Recovery?

Many patients decide to undergo Mommy Makeover surgery, which can reverse many of the adverse effects of pregnancy and childbirth. While most women prepare sufficiently for the days leading up to the surgery, not very many typically look into what they should plan for after their surgery is completed. 


So what should you expect during your post-op recovery? Here are some details on what you will likely experience and some tips on how to have a comfortable and smooth recuperation.

Woman resting in bed

What Happens After I Get Home?

Every Mommy Makeover is customized to match each patient’s needs, so the procedures that were included in your surgery will affect your recovery. 


Typically, the breasts and midsection are wrapped in a support bra or a compression garment. You may feel sensitivity and tightness in the chest region and experience mild bruising and swelling. Redness may also occur around the incision locations.


Discomfort can be addressed with prescription pain medication. Refrain from physical activities such as lifting, pulling, pushing, twisting, or anything that can irritate the skin or body. Your surgeon tracks your progress and will let you know when it is safe to resume regular activities.

How Can I Ensure a Comfortable Experience?

Establish a relaxing environment by preparing things prior to your surgery is the best way to make sure that you are comfortable and content during your recuperation. Some tips for a comforting atmosphere include:


  • Having all of your prescriptions filled before your procedure
  • Following all of your post-surgical care instructions
  • Arranging for adequate childcare, as you will be unable to lift anything
  • Scheduling a friend or loved one to drive you home and stay with you for the first few days
  • Stocking plenty of pillows where you will be spending most of your time
  • Sleeping and getting plenty of rest
  • Drinking water to stay hydrated
  • Gathering plenty of entertainment, such as books, magazines, television, electronic devices, and your cell phone
  • Being sure to have all charging cables and spare batteries handy
  • Beginning to walk around the house after the first day or two

When Can I Resume Work?

Every patient will feel different after their procedure, but most patients can return to work in a couple of weeks. 


After at least four weeks, you can begin introducing regular activities, as long as your doctor has cleared it. It is important to listen to your surgeon and your body; avoid overexerting yourself—it can prolong your healing process.


It will usually take a few months for you to feel back to normal. Remain patient with your recovery and get plenty of rest.

What Results Should I Expect?

Dr. Robert Wald takes his time with each patient to understand their desires and preferences and creates a personalized surgical plan accordingly. 


Mommy Makeover before and after photo

In their Mommy Makeover, most patients choose to include breast augmentation to enhance their breast volume and cleavage, a breast lift to improve their nipples and areolas while simultaneously raising the breasts, a tummy tuck to remove excess abdominal fat and skin for a tighter stomach, and liposuction to reduce fat in stubborn locations. 


Regardless of which procedures you decide to include in your Mommy Makeover, most patients feel a significant improvement in their overall body contour after they have healed. 


To learn more about Mommy Makeover surgery, please call our office for a consultation at (714) 312-3549. You can also fill out our contact form.

Dr. Wald Looks forward to
helping you reach your
cosmetic goals.
Schedule a consultation

Robert Wald, MD
100 E. Valencia Mesa Drive, Suite 300
Fullerton, CA 92835

Phone: 714-312-3549
Fax: 714-738-1862

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