Non-Surgical Facelift Using The Infini Laser
Treatment For Aging, Sagging Skin, And Wrinkles Of The Face
Patients generally receive laser treatments during the Fall or Winter seasons in order to avoid the sun. Now, the Infini laser provides patients with the luxury of receiving nonsurgical facelifts all year round. Other lasers can’t effectively treat darker skin pigmentation, whereas the Infini device is safe for all skin types. The Infini laser reverses the aging process by removing wrinkles and lifting/tightening the skin.
What is the Infini Laser?
The Infini is a microneedling, fractional radiofrequency device that targets coagulation zones within specific layers of the dermis. The Infini is a high intensity laser that adds heat only at the distil tip. Dr. Wald can manipulate the laser by specifically adjusting the needles depth to match the desire of each individual patient.
What type of results can I expect?
Within three days to one week Post-Treatment patients notice a brighter skin tone and significant reduction in oily secretion, for those with oily skin types. One month after treatment patients see improvement of fine wrinkles and skin laxity. There is continuous improvement of fine wrinkles, pore sizes, scars, and skin laxity up to three months after treatment. The Infini laser removes wrinkles, sagging, acne scars, and reverses the aging process.
Recovery and Downtime using Infini Laser
The technology of the laser provides maximum comfort with little downtime. Holes from the treatment will be completely closed within just two hours after treatment. Some patients may experience some bruising, but makeup can be applied the following day.
If you are considering a non-surgerical facelift using the Infini laser, schedule your consultation with Dr. Wald today. Contact our office at (714) 312-3549, or fill out our online contact form here for additional information.